Saturday, March 25, 2006

plenty of paper

i had a dream last night that mom brought us for a month's long of travelling and we come back home to a newly decorated apartment. i like. hehe.

anyway, with everyone blogging, it just made me realise the amount of paper and trees that we save. so why is it drawing paper seem to be more expensive these days?

paper worries aside, i got photos.


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Birthday Boy so happy ah. (the rare moments we can get his photo)
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ultra yummy Black Forrest Cake.
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Chin Yang.
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you cut the cake..
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and throw them candles.


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i decorated the noodles.
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i folded the roti kirai!
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i stole the epok-epok inti.
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while making the epok-epok of course.
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ultimate chef of a lifetime!
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me and my sister got bored after all that cooking.
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see, my sister is spastic.
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now i am spastic.
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while this looks better photoshopped,
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this looks better on paper.

ok, i am off to go spend my saturday wisely with people i love. :)


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