my roots

sudev is a very nice person to talk to on msn because his conversations are both relatively intelligent and relatively stupid (as in bimbo, ah lian, traitor kind of stupid). and what really amazes me is his high interest in my roots and my religion: arabic and islam. i mean, most conversations i have with people are about everyday life, or boyfriends/girlfriends, or of music, or just to pass time or anger or joy, so it's kinda seldom i talk to people on msn with a substantial issue at hand, so sudev, thanks. :) (so now you see, you still make an impact on me you dodo-head! i am not a traitor! it just so happens that you don't have rockerfella's tickets and i do and i'm bringing someone else instead of you. heh heh.)
ok, so let's talk about my roots! hehehehe. i am excited. can you tell?
i am the product of the sperm of my dad, the egg of my mom and the blessing of my God. so dad's the product of the sperm of my granpa mohsen, the egg of my grandma salmah and the blessing of God and my mom's the product of the sperm of my granda mus, the egg of my granna jil and the blessing of God.
granpa mohsen is supposedly indonesian. we got the jawa blood. but somewhere up there, it has been said that one of our ancestors actually married a deutch (sp?) person so we got deutch blood too. (so maybe we were like ambonese before until one of the ladies married a jawa person and then the generation evolves as such that our jawa blood is more prominent than the ambon or something) granma salmah is.... i don't know. but i do know that she has got arab blood somewhere out there. so my dad is like, arab-indo-deutch(?) and the only reason he is "malay" in his ic because well, they didn't want to complicate matters. and honestly, his elder sister is "javanese" in her ic. so, urm. yeah.
my granda came from malaysia. so he is malay. but it has been told to me that somewhere along the ancestrial line, he has got chinese blood. so he's a mutt (not MAT, but mutt as in DNA-ed together kinda thing). my granna is chinese. pure, no mix-blood chinese, but she was given away to a malay family when she was young so her chinese is just as bad as mine. so that makes mom like half chinese (definitely) and urm don't know how many percent malay.
and that makes me a... very rojak girl.
but it's all good, cos i can be racist to most races in this country except for maybe the indians, cos how can a person be racist to his/her own race, right? heh heh heh.
ok, now i beg the singapore government don't find this offensive.
now off i go to bake yummy chocolate cakes in the toilet and get ready to go to rool's and then rockafella's! :) dang, i'm going back to school.
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