Friday, March 31, 2006

Humpty is Dumb.

humpty dumpty sat on the wall;
humpty dumpty had a great fall;
and all of the king's horses and all of the king's men,
couldn't put humpty together again.

i used to hate this nursery rhyme when i was younger. it made me dream of evil queens and black crows, of couldrons filled with translucent greenish liquid with effervescence emerging at the top, and i'll be trapped in a cage right on top of it, curled at a corner, like hansel and gratel and the wicked witch.

such a pessimistic nursery rhyme, don't you think?

why in the world would anyone teach a child that things cannot be fixed, maybe literally yes, but then when you think about it in real life, not all things are like that, not all problems are like that and not all feelings are like that. Humpty Dumpty is whatever you want it to be. it can be your relationship, your laptop, your emotions, your family, whatever. the point is, it is YOURS, your item, something that you own that you have to take care of, so why in the world let it sit on a wall and have a great fall? you are bestowed to Humpty Dumpty so you jolly well take good care of it, and make sure it doesn't fall.

so Humpty Dumpty falls, and then you try to mend it. some things can be mended, others are way beyond fixation. wouldn't it be easier if it had never sat on the wall, take that tumble and break in the first place?

and then, we'll talk about life's uncertainties again. (it's all like webbed together, what a vicous cure to the itch)


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