Humpty is Dumb.
humpty dumpty sat on the wall;
humpty dumpty had a great fall;
and all of the king's horses and all of the king's men,
couldn't put humpty together again.
i used to hate this nursery rhyme when i was younger. it made me dream of evil queens and black crows, of couldrons filled with translucent greenish liquid with effervescence emerging at the top, and i'll be trapped in a cage right on top of it, curled at a corner, like hansel and gratel and the wicked witch.such a pessimistic nursery rhyme, don't you think?why in the world would anyone teach a child that things cannot be fixed, maybe literally yes, but then when you think about it in real life, not all things are like that, not all problems are like that and not all feelings are like that. Humpty Dumpty is whatever you want it to be. it can be your relationship, your laptop, your emotions, your family, whatever. the point is, it is YOURS, your item, something that you own that you have to take care of, so why in the world let it sit on a wall and have a great fall? you are bestowed to Humpty Dumpty so you jolly well take good care of it, and make sure it doesn't Humpty Dumpty falls, and then you try to mend it. some things can be mended, others are way beyond fixation. wouldn't it be easier if it had never sat on the wall, take that tumble and break in the first place?and then, we'll talk about life's uncertainties again. (it's all like webbed together, what a vicous cure to the itch)
of sequins and dragonflies.
DRAGON-FLIES. DRA-GON FLIES. the name, on its own, gives off no clue that such a creature is one so lovely, one that is like a bat with butterfly wings, oh what marvelous things. in contrary, one that has never seen a dragonfly, know how it looks like, what its character is like, will think that it's a hideous creature: one to blow balls of fire at you like a dragon and as irritating as a fly. but no, it's not like that at all. it only stings when it's disturbed, other than that it flies around the open field and ponds like a rabbit prancing around vast greenery.what's there to a name? a rose with any other name will smell just as sweet. so what's there to a name really?some say identity, i don't think so. i believe that we all put on different masks when we go out, only with our closest friends and family do we reveal ourselves and even then we don't show all of us. we create a pseudo-identity to gain recognition, because we are afraid of rejection if we show who we really are.if only the world isn't so materialistic and superficial, if only help wasn't so superficial. if only love is as pure and genuine like fairy tales, if only hatred can vanquish itself from each and everyone's hearts and minds. if jealously had never been a feeling but a vase of which we can throw onto the ground and let it shatter, not possible to put it back together, then would we take off our masks? will we stop our stage?and then suddenly i get it. we put on masks so that our ideas get accepted, because beneath these masks there are ideas, some so revolutionary, some are just mere crap. and when we pretend to be who are not, people may just accept the ideas as it is, no form of anylising the mastermind, no racial or religious biasness, no, nothing of that sort.(i'm just writing because i got nothing better to do)
pour your sugar on me!
random comment: Strawberry Shortcake's version of Sugar, Sugar is so much better than Abba's.i wonder how much longer i can blog everyday (with a substantial issue or with pictures) until i get sick of it all and start posting bad song lyrics and critic them as if they're a PC assignment or something.well, i got bored during religious class the other day and drew a cartoon. (and these 2 pictures will sum up today's blog post) so here are the pictures. i added Randomismonity At Blogspot because i don't want people to steal these pictures. (cos now i see the point of why people will want to steal, unlike my other photos)
The School Girl Spite by atiQ.
the one on my msn display pic.
yeay, i got chalet tomorrow!
plenty of paper
i had a dream last night that mom brought us for a month's long of travelling and we come back home to a newly decorated apartment. i like. hehe.anyway, with everyone blogging, it just made me realise the amount of paper and trees that we save. so why is it drawing paper seem to be more expensive these days?paper worries aside, i got photos.CHINYANG'S BIRTHDAY.Birthday Boy so happy ah. (the rare moments we can get his photo)
ultra yummy Black Forrest Cake.
Chin Yang.
you cut the cake..
and throw them candles.
GRANNA'S PLACE.i decorated the noodles.
i folded the roti kirai!
i stole the epok-epok inti.
while making the epok-epok of course.
ultimate chef of a lifetime!
me and my sister got bored after all that cooking.
see, my sister is spastic.
now i am spastic.
while this looks better photoshopped,
this looks better on paper.
ok, i am off to go spend my saturday wisely with people i love. :)
we took the tumble
i just learnt from victor that no one got the platinum award for SVA's drama category, and CJC FSV just got a participation thing. well, at least we learnt a lot from SVA and got really close together and stuff. the experience was amazing, even though during the first half i was busy mugging and taking my supp papers (of which i failed, nyeh).here i am, i'm going to talk about the future again. destiny is a tricky thing: it's mysterious ways that lead to wonderful feelings creep me. no, this is not just about love, but our paths in lives. whether we make it big, or not so big; whether we take a stroll or take a tumble before we get what we want, or deserve to get. but one thing is for sure: life is no storybook. get all the great writers in the world together and let them brainstorm to write the most wonderful story earth's lifespan has ever gotten, but they cannot write the story of one single person until he has died. our lives are written in the hands of God, and none of us have will ever have the chance to read what's in store for us. and no matter how hard we try to achieve what we want, it's all already written whether we get it or not.and therefore it is sad that some people actually uses this excuse whenever they fail: that life has already been determined, maybe they took the wrong path. i do not believe that we just sit around and wait for a sign from the higher power, but i do believe that if we work hard for what we want and follow our religious practices, we will get what we want, and what God has already planned for us. for everything that happens, there is a reason. karma and destiny- are they really interrelated?life's like a head covered with tangles in the hair. the different strands intersecting at random corners, but then connected to a single head. some strands very close together, some strands so far away. but we are all connected to a single head in the end. some of the strands fall, and new ones will grow. we all intersect with different people in our lives, some we get really close to, some that we are very distant. someone dies, and someone else opens his eyes to the sunrise. but we all live on the same ground, on earth, and we shall all meet one day, on the other side.aaanyway, do support this other site of mine:
CDs FOR SALE. (help the unemployed).
pictures, they talk.
i like blogs with loads of photos and entire week has been packed, ever since last sunday of which i met up with reen before she went to work and i went to FSV's bbq at zar's condo. then the very next day, family chalet up till tuesday night at changi. so, that's like 3 bbq nights in a row. and then the very next day, the family (minus the brother) and my aunt, uncle, one cousin and my grandmother (dad's side) drove up to Bukit Tinggi, Genting (an uncalled trip of which mira got her chickenpox) and KL. so yeah, let's just look at pictures since i have nothing to talk about anyway. (i am dying to talk about a certain irritant throughout the holiday (except KL trip) but i shall just forget about it for now.THE COUSIN AND ME; FSV BBQ.cliche-d mrt station reflection things.
urm, starting the fire-- successful?
steffi's other alternative to bbq.
a whole load of junk.
corn and sweet potato which i never tasted. (cos i didn't want to)
the bubble balloon thing that i used to love so much.
FAMILY CHALET.breakfast. (its the new day already. i came late on the first day. so yeah)
they took shifts playing and sleeping.
mir in uncle dan's merc.
it looked as if we were bbq-ing in the mountains.
rubbish photo.
view from my room.
freaking stuck to this girl for the rest of my life.
uber cute, hyperactive, handsome lil kid called ihsan.
camwhoring starts here.
see, ppl love me.
i told you.
ok, i like to pass on some of my good lovin'.
by the way, that's my cousin ama.
tribute to the twits.
uncle man's gf, irene.
for my fans! (wahaha)
i got bored so i took my ass off the bed and went to take some photos on the way to the beach. (i like this one best!)
makngah, angah and ihsan.
musi no.1.
musi no.2.
musi no.3. (feat bb)
abdullah, the samseng cengeng.
a box of sand.
half of the league.
he likes to urm, perasan.
si samseng cengeng da start sekolah tau!
THIS IS THE REASON WHY I HATE BOWLING. (at least i am not the last, hehe)
everybody, meet my sister who got chicken pox on our holiday. she has a lot of nicknames but nurul calls her 1990. nyeheheh.
ok, i am like so sick of posting photos already and creating captions. the reason why the holiday trip has so little photos here is because i cannot be bothered to upload to photobucket anymore and i am so sick of the infrastructure so if you want to look at it so much, go and research Bukit Tinggi, Genting Highlands and Kuala Lumpur. the internet will be of better use than just to hang around my blog. hehehehe. there's something to do!ok, off to watch sepet now.