Thursday, March 02, 2006

three in a row.

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have been hanging out with people who are rather whacked (if not as whacked as me) and yeah, photos for my dear readers to feast on. (whoever you are) if you want to steal then steal lor, i don't care. i don't see why you must anyway.

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TP students.
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my Penyamun(1) and my Burung Hantu.
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he couldn't find a better place to pee.
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Penyamun(1) took this.
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this too. (i'm hovering at the background, lol.)
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and this. (she doesn't know she's in the picture, credits to whoever you are)
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this one also. (he doesn't know either. and yeah, credits to you too)
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and they (the guys) liked this shirt.
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chilling at MacCafe, braiding Penyamun's hair. (ni lah kerja CHIP korang..)
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all of us. :)

if the pictures are out of the margins i drew for my layout, i'm not going to be OCD and i'm gonna heck care about the margins so yeah.

i would really love to show all of you a lot of photos but then my laziness has taken over me and now i don't think i'll do such a thing. so urm, go find the others to get more pictures if you want. heh.

3 more hours to the ides of march. posting results. i really hope i get into FSV.

well, this is the part where you stop reading and pray hard for me.


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