Wednesday, February 15, 2006


hello ryan hadi! ni untuk awak! pasal awak la kawan kita yang hati paling susah kita nak handle pasal awak punyalah unpredictable, ni kita tulis untuk awak ok!

for all the times you were there for me, for all the times you took my crap, for all the advice and comforting words that i need at times, and for tolerating my popularity for a while (due to the AM blog feature, haha) and admitting jealousy, i must thank you my dear dear friend. even though you abit (actually alot) sensitive, kadang-kadang sakit hati orang to the max (you know everyone i know la, wtf) and went to create a clan when i was away only for 3 days and have more comments even though YOUR blog tak dapat feature, kita masih thank awak pasal awak takda, kita macam lost (not really) or gelisah gitu. don't know, i am loss for words cos you are simply one of the bestest friends i have crossed paths with in my life, ok? :)

anyway, awak the other half of, apa! (wah, now da ada divisions sendiri seh!)

jadi, kalau on sunday's post you didn't see your name, encik ryan hadi, KITA THANK YOU AND AM REALLY GLAD AWAK KITA NYE FRIEND, UNDERSTAND? -hugs and kisses and blowjobs-

"i love you, why won't you let me? 'cos it's my birthday yarr.."

to other readers: this is purposely written this way because i talk to him like this. well, not really but shut up la, this is for ryan. ;p you want me to feature you, drop me an email if you know my email. or else just tag me. haha.


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