Sunday, July 31, 2005
like a sum a matematician can't solve.
women are exactly like that title i have for this post. there's this air of mystery around us females, like our existence has no absolute reason, no perfect one, no clear "because". i wonder if this is what makes us so special, or just a blur? the strength of a woman is unbelievable, but the very things that brings us down are so minor, the strength just gets overshadowed by it.the point that i am trying to make is, i am just so bored that i am watching mulan. and it really shows the strength of a woman. damn, men are weak and egoistic.
and mushu is the cutest dragon i have known. bleah.
the sister called from denmark. urh, whee? she's coming back this wednesday. honestly, i don't really miss her although i said before that i was gonna. but heck, i really don't feel a thing. maybe things are so stressful both inside and outside home, i really do not have time to think of things/people that are not present before me at the moment. heck, i hope she brings home a lot of chocolate and cheese. whee. danish cheese!!! oh blisses.
(when we lost graham..)
graham: ooh, ice-cream! (opens ice-cream cover) where the fuck is the ice-cream? (puts the ice-cream cover back on) ooh, ice-cream! (opens the ice-cream cover again) how come the ice-cream keeps on disappearing?!
ele: there's a plastic covering it, graham..
graham: right. (attempts to open the plastic) it won't budge.
blablablablablablablablablabla. i hate me.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
i am doing this because i don't feel like going to sleep because i just don't feel like it ok. aaanyway,
(click image to enlarge)
everybody, meet me and my fellow look-a-likes.
i wasn't from IJ, btw. i was from ROSYTH SCHOOL, thank you.
i'll post things from ndp and nonsense in the morning because as much as i don't feel like sleeping and haven't got anything productive to do, i don't feel like uploading senseless images onto this pc either.
ohkay, shan and jer said we don't look alike (the picture above). but i swore we did when we were comparing the blurdy ez-link cards la ok?! maybe it's the camera. or maybe they (shan and jer) are just jealous they don't look like me.
oh what the fuck.
soft facial tissues.
things keep on appearing in my room. like a skipping rope, my brother's simpsons dvd number 4, a lot of thrash is my basket, and my bed is made nowdays. i wonder who keeps on leaving things in my room and make my bed. i don't like additional things in my room and my bed made. just leave my room ok, leave it, it's mine. the "disaster area" sign outside my door is supposed to mean something. so just leave me and my sty alone! stop leaving things, and making my bed! -that is to whoever that has been doing so.yesterday was a bonkers. econs lecture was productive, blake tutorial was semi-productive (usually i don't pay attention although i jot down notes), p.e. was productive (I CAME, I RAN, I SWEAT!), then i did my blake essay, and i paid attention during math, AND MRS SNG LET US OFF EARLY FROM GP. and i think yesterday we said the sincerest "thank you" to mrs sng. i wonder if she letting us early has got anything to do with that. oh, PC is totally crap. my loser partner wrote 5 pages (notice that this IS my loser partner, the one who wrote crap for the blake essay) just to keep up with the smartkid who was sitting next to him in the LT. in the first place, why the fuck is a mock exam held in a Lecture Theatre? it's true that you cannot really copy what others may be writing, but i saw the word 'satire' from my loserpartner and then suddenly i've got an extra page filled up.
hoyeah, back to yesterday. it was bonkers la. the whole party was whacked. went to PS with char, loser and loser's friend. gosh we were going up and down carefour all because loser didn't see the whole load of NUTELLA on the racks and he accidentally hit the head of this indian dude and then indian dude told him the wrong thing about the location of NUTELLA. nyeh. hmm, FOOD AT THE PARTY! MAC AND CHEESE, SPAGHETTI, SHEPARD'S PIE (chicken and beef), SAUSAGES (bought 4 packets and we used 1), CHICKEN WINGS, STRING RAY, SQUID, PRAWNS, NUGGETS, TRIFFLE (<3!), STRAWBERRIES/KIWI/BANANAS DIPPED IN NUTELLA, MARSHMELLOWS, CHIPS AND STUFF, LOADS OF CARBONATED DRINKS, GREENTEA AND VODKA. nyeh, i told sharul we had mac&cheese and spaghetti and he asked "did you go for a bbq or did you go for western/italian dining?" bleah. i must say, a lot of food was wasted. no, not the seafood or the mac&cheese or the spaghetti but the triffle and my sausages. bleah. shouldn't have bought so many. we lost graham yesterday. he was just too high and talking so damn much. i swear i can smell the vodka (and it's not charissa's adidas audieu that i sprayed all over me) when he leaned over and talked to me. gosh, how can anyone mistaken ice-cream as whipped potato?
yeah, yeah, i've been ranting like a shallow bitch. so what? i guess doing things that i do not want to do has made me succumbed to lead a rather MUNDANE lifestyle. very soon i'll be like one of those blogs which actually has the chronological order of events that happened throughout my day, as if that is not happening already. really, i miss those entries of which i have blogged on concrete things that are close to my heart, that have been stuck in my head for so long, but howell, i love this masquerade.
oops, did i just let out a secret?
(this time, a msn conversation.)
rah: alermak, kau lagi. (english: oh no, you again.)
me: nyeh.
rah: kau ni sibuk ah cheetah. (english: you busybody ah cheetah.)
me: eh?
rah: damn i want to learn the piano.
me: learn la. get a keyboard.
rah: but no money to get a piano. maybe i'll get a keyboard.
me: didn't i just say get a keyboard?
rah: eh.
me: nyeh.
rah: i'm gonna eat.
when will i ever have a PROPER & COHERENT conversation with that dude?
Thursday, July 28, 2005
i cannot use my numero uno!!!! the only reason i am able to use this "!!!!!" is because i went to copy the blurdy character. nyeh. that is how screwed up this pc can be at times. not convinced? sometimes the letter "a" and the letter "l" cannot be used so i have to copy and paste characters if i want to log into somewhere or type something. SOMEONE GET ME A WIRELESS CABLE MODEM!!!!!! so i can use the laptop and blog and post pictures and picture edits and create layouts and actually use them and download loads and loads of files (like donny darko. <3 and a whole load of anime. and a whole load of other foreign films. and a whole load of music. i'm a pirate.) and and and and do a lot of other things that remains unknown at this very moment.i melted mr fahy's heart. hee. i managed to ask for an extension for my equus essay on tuesday. ((: initially he said,"it is the student's responsibility to ask the literature representative for any work that has to be done." then i said,"but i just reported to school yesterday." and then he said something that i'm sure was the nicest and the only thing that i shall remember that is not related to brave new world: "WELL ALRIGHT THEN, PUT IT INTO MY PIGEON HOLE TOMORROW. USUALLY I DO NOT ENTERTAIN SUCH NONSENSE BUT SINCE YOU JUST REPORTED TO SCHOOL YESTERDAY AND I DO ACTUALLY ENJOY MARKING YOUR ESSAYS FROM LAST TERM AND NOTICE THAT YOU HAVE A GREAT POTENTIAL, I'LL EXCUSE YOU THIS TIME. NOW GO AND TAKE YOUR BREAK." i feel a sense of gratification here. hee. i melted mr fahy's heart! and when i told colin what happened on the bus later that day, he said,"whoa man, i thought only rachel was capable of doing so. damn she has competition. haha." HAHA alright.
that happened on tuesday. i handed it in this morning anyway. hahahaha.
graham brought these old dancing robots from action city, you know, the ones that you have to wind its back and it'll shake its ass for you with the noisy mechanism that comes along with it. i was playing with it the whole day. ele has a green one, rachel took the purple one and i have the orange one. well, i really like green, but ele got her first so howell. at least i have a robot-ass-shaker. then during math lecture, my loserpartner jx, was playing with it. that sucker took my robot and lay it down face down and commented blatantly,"Looks as if it's fucking la." oh loser, when will you ever pay attention to 5 mins of math lecture and actually copy down a FULL solution to an example? never.
granna just swore that my ass-shaker is vodoo-ed, that graham had given it to me as a toyol, urm, some kind of spirit that i don't know how to explain. right.
rachel: it's pink and glittery! wanna see?
hazel: rachel! i'm eating!
me: eww. my underwear only comes in black, white, brown and red.
rachel: what? pink is nice what.
T8 PARTY TOMORROW!!! ooh, loser and char's gonna go. oh yeay. :D
damn i swear i sound like a bimbo nowdays.
Monday, July 25, 2005
let the drummer kick.
okay, if anyone from my class ever reads this (which i really doubt they do), they'd say i have this split personality. but heck. i've been moody, even suffering from depression, since last night, and it's not because of my inability to breathe using both my nostrils. maybe i want to let it out, i but i don't want to let it out to just anybody, because if you know me well enough, you'd know that i am not someone who trusts others that easily. come to think about it, i do not think i trust anyone that greatly. i mean, how can i? i don't even bloody trust myself.FOOD, the one thing that i love and would never compromise for has not become almost meaningless to me unless it's just to respond to the merciless ramblings in my stomach. i can barely taste that peice of chicken, that spoonful of rice, that sweet slice of rockmelon. things that i used to find bliss and solace seem to appeal to me no more. but heck, there is no point getting all emotional here. it's just virtual reality. VIRTUAL reality.
so this is supposed to be a random blog right?
RANDOM RAMBLINGS IN CLASS. (oh, i'm in school btw.)
solikin telling people things to bring for friday's bbq: (of which i hope i am well enough to attend. im supposed to bring the sausages. ooh, those things.)
Sol: (shouting across the class which is rather small and thus making it impossible for us not hear him because just his normal voice is loud enough) Angie, bring nuggets. -pauses- Vanessa, bring the charcoal..
Van: CHANGKUL? (it's the thing that farmers use to dig the soil. not a spade, it's the thing that is like tangeant to the stick. ah blah, if you're singaporean, you'll know)
Sol: (louder this time.) CHARCOAL.
Angel and Angie: (shouting into van's ears) CHARCOAL!
Van: ohhh, charcoal.
and my head was throbbing when this whole ordeal happened.
i do have a split personality. blah.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
i think it's about time people should realise that i do not have a dick, as in I AM NOT A GUY! i mean, it's okay that once in a while we talk about cute actresses, hot babes, music, sex, your bad relationship with your girlfriend, your defficiency of talking to a girl, your intolerable behaviour towards certain things, your inability to think straight and therefore you can't pee straight, and a million other things, but there are things that i don't want to hear ok? there are things that i would take personally because i am a fucking girl! FEMALE! FE-MALE! THE HUMAN SPECIES WITH THE VAGINA? YEAH, NO NO, NOT THE ONE WITH THE UNCONTROLLABLE BANANA!you know, it's nice to be treated like a girl sometimes, but howell. i guess this is the exact reason why i can mix with the guys so goddamn easily.
enough angst. i totally give up eating whatever my mom cooks, because whatever she cooks, there will always be an overwhelming amount of beansprouts, or brocolli, or cauliflower, or whatever vegetable that i detest. (i only like kangkong. and kailan. and carrots. and chicken peas.) she has this obsession with healthy things! like she don't like chocolates (okay, don't prefer), she only drinks water from Guardian (God knows how she survived before this!), she thinks that it's disgusting that i like chicken skin (you must agree that it is the best part of the chicken when it's fried.) and she makes me drink one cup of freshly blended apple/orange juice a day because i don't like to eat them just like that. (actually i wonder why i'm sick since my diet is quite healthy) and i quote from her: "IF IT'S POSSIBLE, I WON'T ADD ANY OF THE YELLOW NOODLES AT ALL. LET YOU EAT ONLY THE BEANSPROUTS. BUT I AM NOT THAT HEARTLESS." right, mom. i really enjoy seperating the beansprouts from the noodles and end up eating one-eighth of the serving i actually took.
i would have posted a picture of BEANSPROUTS here, but the digicam is with jasonfengjiesheng so i am currently unable to snap my heart out. dang, even the slr is with someone else. i am deprived of photography, and my handphone camera is just a useless piece of shit that has good picture resolution only when you take pictures of yourself. so.. i'm still deprived of photography.
my attempt at trying to steal the computer from that sister of mine:
me: eh, your neopets game got how many levels? (clearly, she's playing neopets.)
her: a lot. but i'll stop at the level after this.
me: eh, why?
her: -silence-
me: level too difficult for you ah?
her: eh shut up. or else i start another game.
kids these days really know how to irritate you when you you make fun of them. blah, she has a blog now! with a background song and everything. and the theme of her layout is none other than her idol, taufik. like, GROSSOUT.
it's time for me to teach all of you how to pronnounce "randomismonity". its:
not random is monity. what a disgrace!
Friday, July 22, 2005
[edit]:random things: i hate girls with the same handwriting, i don't usually like eating apples and oranges just like that (i have a mood for that one) and i absolutely abhore girls who fold their sleeves, especially when they are in uniform.
kay. steffi loe, that's enough! i am not that heartless okay. i do take into account that vegetarians exists! proof just in case you didn't read my reply on my tagboard: MY CURRY PUFFS HAD NO MEAT IN IT SO YOU CAN PURCHASE IT WITHOUT FEELING GUILTY BECAUSE THERE IS NO ANIMAL CONTENT! still not convinced? we bought you a vegetarian pizza from canadian pizza during the xbox day, and from pizza hut during the outing. so there. NO MORE VEGETARIAN PREACHING ON MY TAGBOARD!
soon enough, i'd die of flu and sorethroat and bad coughs and maybe slight fever. i should have taken the day off from school yesterday but due to my loyalty to fsv and mcs, i have decided to drag myself with one huge plastic bag of keropoks and 2 plastic bags full of currypuffs (the one with no animal content) to school and did my duty in the sound room and at the mcs booth respectively. ooh, i have to say, steffi loe looked good in her sari. but yasmin looked better in that kebaya pengantin. ahh, the malay bride and groom both looked good together. slacked alot while doing duty at mcs booth with sheer and hafiz and hafiz and yasmin and whatnots. blah. guys can be so shallow at times. i mean after listening to sheer's horrible encounter of internet dating, i wonder, are looks that of an important factor when it comes to being friends and in a relationship? say yes, and you are just as shallow. i'll crack your neck with two bananas.
banana, banana,
i miss thee.
but this throat of mine is very sore.
the phlegm is choking me,
but still i miss your sweet taste on my lips,
on my tongue and on my lips!
oh heavenly father (i don't why this line but heck),
have mercy on me soul!
without my banana,
-add the last line yourself-
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
let's go spinning.
it seems that everytime i take my medication, the giddier i get and my temperature rises and i have no motivation to do anything. and that's bad, considering i have an econs essay test on monopoly and perfect competition tomorrow, both topics i know NUTS about. i try so hard to get the concepts drilled properly into my head, and understanding the graphs and all, but hey, i end up irritated because i am so stupid i cannot understand the blurdy theories. so, in the end, it's me, my athlete cd playing in the background, my econs notes open before me and i'm staring into space, trying not to think about anything but something will just pop up and i end up walking around the room and reside on my bed and head to lala land. so i hope i wake up with a throbbing head in the morning tomorrow, too ill for school and mom says "okay, then stay home for another day, i'll write a letter" although a parent's letter would require me to go to mr tan's office to get it signed before approval and stuff. but no, i'm gonna go and die in the name of econs essay test tomorrow and then awaken for the sake of FSV and racial harmony rehearsals.everyone is caught up in the harry potter madness. and i'm just too broke to even think about it. i don't care who dies, so people don't ask me who died. go ask mdm tan or sth.
don't ask what's up with mdm tan. i'm in the living room and my sister's watching My Sassy Neighbour. a rather meaningless show, i'd say. low IQ and EQ and all.
dad: hmm, ms giam's a nice person. you're lucky to have a home tutor like her.
me: (obviously too dazed to say anything) mmphjasudhuwe81jsmmphh..? oh. ok.
dad: but one thing's funny.
me: what?
dad: she called me uncle.
and at that point of time my brother and myself burst out laughing in spite of the fact that i was too dazed before. nyehaha.
oh, if you're wondering. i went home early just now. and dad took and an hour and a half to get to school, blaming the traffic. traffic?! right.
Monday, July 18, 2005
clean! clean! clean!
school ended at 12 today for me, cos there's chinese listening compre exam and sch officially ends at 1 for everyone but i don't take mother tongue so i end at 12. i have no idea why in the name of ganja i typed that sentence but heck, not everything happens for a reason. damn, i'm contradicting myself again. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON OK?! ohkayy.MY ROOM IS CLEAN! MY ROOM IS CLEAN! OH NO, THAT'S NOT MY ROOM! MY ROOM'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE CLEAN!!! -shouts myz iqah.
at times like this i'd like to grab 3 bananas and stuff it into my mouth and my ears.
eugene: okaylah, sorry la they aren't lame/crappy enough for you. i buy for you banana okay?
me: what banana? BANANAS! i want 3!!
eugene: okay, i buy for you 3 bananas!
me: no, comes to think about it, i want ice-cream with it too! so it becomes banana split! but i don't want the chocolate ice-cream.
eugene: 3 banana splits coming up!
me: oh yeay. but selene doesn't like banana.
i think the sms went like that last thursday. ho, i miss them already. EUGENEEEEE! SELENEEEEE!!! SOWMYAAAAA!! alamak sowmya, your name anti-climax la. doesn't rhyme with the other two idiots. blah.
waiting for tonight. ((:
Sunday, July 17, 2005
ooh, fsv outing!
went out with this bunch of people:
it was supposed to be a fsv farewell lunch for the j2s. but then, it succumbed to a fsv j1 dinner because only jiacheng came and then he decided to go home because lester didn't want to come because the bbq was cancelled and the whole thing turned became our dinner because it was too late for lunch and some of them were already full so we decided to procrastinate for a while, hung out at carefour to watch the first 15 mins of hitch and then go get strawberry&banana milk for manfred and chocolate vitasoy for the rest of the guys and chocolate and hazelnut stick for me and the girls as an appetizer. like WTF?! haha. so it's pizza again (ooh, what's new. oh there's sth new. this time it's pizza hut, not canadian. and steffi paid for chickens! steffi's the herbivore who has been preaching on my tagboard btw.) i totally forgot to invite glen, or else victor's throat will like vibrate continuously. and he'd choke. nyehahaha.
(sorry guys, yesterday's was like history.)
(walking towards the exit of pizza hut)
-zara jumps onto the surfboard-shaped sticker on the floor-
zara: ooh, i'm surfing.
nyeh. not so random. but that's what you get when it's sunday. blah.
anyone wants to clean my room?

oh nvm, there's nothing to clean.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
little sister.
well, i know this blog is supposed to be about randomismonity and all, but at times i have to succumb to what i feel like blogging so here goes:i came back yesterday and mom told me that she wants to make a farewell get-together potluck thing or something for my sister cos she's leavin denmark in 5 days. i merely replied, "ok" and pushed the thought of having to clean the house (which is in a very bad state, thank you. and i think i shouldn't mention my room.) just for this little get together for that brat to the back of my head.
then i realised that MIND MAP IS GOING TO BE AWAY FOR 2 WEEKS. that means being stuck with the MUSHROOM HEAD/SPOILTBRAT for 2 straight weeks alone, no fellow bullier, no one else to scream at but her! and dang, i won't have those irritating sunday-morning wake up knocks on my door for 2 weeks, no rushing to school so that we reach pcss at 0650hrs sharp, no one doing crunches at home or baking cookies or something. being a teenager with siblings, the initial feeling whenever a sibling goes away is pure joy because we get away from some sort of torment/sibling rivalry that we have been facing ever since they arrived on this face of eart. but being human, not like those decanted being of BNW, i hate to admit that i'm gonna miss that brat. the sister's the unit of happiness, irritation, anger and love. gah.
credits to jason who replied my msg at msn and thus making me realise that the date and time on my blog is wrong and that i have to change it. nyeh. randomismonity-ing maybe later tonight. blurdy NDP rehearsals.
Friday, July 15, 2005
back4 jukebox.
so i decided to check my junk mail today and then i saw one from Andrew Yeo entitled 4E4. then it dawned to me that i have to credit my whackiness to E4, esp back4, Jason&Bob, Ricky the Jukebox, Andrew the Yeo and of course, ASS. if these people hadn't been crazy with me throughout the years, then i guess i wouldn't have any of this whacked shit nurtured (mr fahy would love it if i say CONDITIONED) into my system. no, i won't bore you people with the good, old, whacked memories of E4 because i did that alot in my past blogs. anyway, Andrew the Yeo's email:(blablabla regarding some prize giving ceremony and what not)
hayati- top student
sriwaty- a math
xin ying- i don't remember what.
prathap-____________ (this one i forgot what)
nyehahaha. he is whacked la. but thanks to him, i passed AMATH. and not thanks to him, i failed math9233.
oh the sweet success. i failed two subs and passed two! so it's a CDFF, for lit, gp, math9233 and econs respectively. well, if i work hard enough for promos, i'd be able to get at least a BCEE or something. angel got BODO, but that's for don't know what. so she was going around school saying "I got BODO for my mids la!". cute, you angel in the morning.
RANDOMISMONITY FOR THE DAY! (i love it when i do this. hah.)
-during math lesson-
ele: mr ho, how come the bracket is a round bracket, not a square bracket?
mr ho: ah? which one? this one ah? (points to negative infinite round bracket)
ele: ya.
mr ho: aiyah, i told you all so many times already. if its negative infinite, it's a round bracket. it goes on forever, you don't know where it started from. it can go until the academy there! (points outside the window)
if you guys don't get the joke, CJC is opposite Police Academy and obviously, he was pointing towards PA. so get the joke already? no? nevermind.
i must say, i was rather moody the whole day until it was his lesson. it happens all the time. i guess mr ho makes my day. -grins-
that sounded very superficial. ho well.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
ooh, i gots rabies!
so i went out with this girl over here:
and guess what i learnt.

it was quite impossible to insert the prawn shells into my mouth because:
1)it's not edible.
2)the total width of the chopsticks were too big.
3)my shadow partner had inserted the shells inside hers before she spit it out onto her plate.
aanyway, eugene is so much more nicer to crap with than his blurdy black-and-whote-same-tshirt friends who thinks they are too-cool-to-lame-around. nyeh. COOL PEOPLE SUCK. I'M NOT COOL, I'M NOT COOL. TOO MANY COOL PEOPLE IN MY SCHOOL AND OUTSIDE TOO. nyeh.
i want that puma bag. ooooh, selene! haha.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
gotta love FSV.
so every week i look forward to wednesdays, because that's when i have my funkeh FSV meetings with my ABSOLUTELY RAD AND LAME members. it's just impossible to list down every single lame thing muttered during our meetings, photo outings&exhibitions, courses and duties because they just happen spontaneously and it's prolly just because most of them are so randomly uttered that i can't remember them. get it? i don't.the thing is, fsv people are whacked. though, not as much as me. i'm the whackest of them all. and i am so sure that zara and steffi will agree. okay, if not the whackest, i'll share the position with manfred and sean and chin yang. nyeheheh. and we are all so obsessed with photography that sometimes all we talk about is cameraobscura, aperture, lighting, video montages, being school minions and all that shit. and we are so enthu, i think even cj dance can't beat us.
and i don't know why i even constructed those two paragraphs above.
(actually it's last night. but maybe i'll do a combo. haha.)
dil: yeah? mine's fast to cook good to eat.
me: mine's NICER.
dil: eh, EVEN VEGETARIANS can eat my instant noodles. can herbivores eat your meat?
me: YES THEY CAN. they turn into omnivores. :D
dil: you know what's my wish?
me: yes, my chicken wings.
dil: no. to be a mattish guy who goes on the internet to ask girls if they are virgins just so i can get a free ride.
me: urm. listen to jiwang then.
dil: yeah sure. but my fingers are dirty cos i'm a supervisor.
do you see how our conversations flow? (say NO!), neither do i.
and then just now, during the photo exhibition..
-naah, too many. i'm too lazy and hungry-
alrighty. good bye.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
The Glass Menagerie
i didn't think that i'd be so rocked and stoned and pebbled that i've returned to my old habits of blogging because i haven't got anything else productive to do. really. i'm in school now, and supposedly to be spending my time in the library reading The Glass Menagerie by T.W. but it seems as if i cannot just read past The Synopsis, Scene 1(opening narration), which is rather pathetic, i'd say because i have to actually finish reading the entire drama text to actually follow Mr Fahy's lectures and tutorials, and believe me, you WANT to follow Mr Fahy's lessons(if not lectures. but since you are already in his tutorials, you have to listen to his lectures or you're roasted.), especially if you are sitting right under his nose (like me) and want to avoid the wonderful saliva showers. eww. saliva showers. i get it twice a week.so THE BLOG is nice and dandy now, i might as well use it as and when i like and not hold myself back like i used to when i was still using KIMONSTA or HAZARDLYUNSPOKEN. well, the first one had a lot of memories, the latter was just bull. this one, it's gonna be RAD. or at least i hope so. gah enough ranting.
(MORNING. cos it's blurdy 0857hrs and i won't have lessons till 1100. SLEEP DEPRIVATION ALERT. -insert sirens here-)
me: (falling asleep and then suddenly jerked up.) EWW EWW EWW!! (and kills the insect on my arm)
dad: you really shouldn't do that. what if i panicked and ran into the car in front? what was that anyway?
me: some sort of insect. it's white. so it's not a roach. don't worry, your car's still clean.
dad: there are 3 people in the car, why must it land on you? must be you didn't shower in the morning. insects usually go for dirty things.
me: yeah? then why do bees and butterflies get attracted to flowers and ants get attracted to sugar? cos they're SWEET. (i'm trying to imply something here if you don't get it.)
dad: true. but maybe it was a cockroach.
me: a WHITE cockroach?
dad: maybe it had albeno.
ALBENO COCKROACH?! like wtf?! honestly, sometimes my dad says the lamest thing.
nyeheheh. (pronnounced as nyeh heh heh. i don't know why i'm so addicted to this nyeheheh thing.) more random things later on. it's just too early in the morning and i'm bored like F*CK.
Monday, July 11, 2005
ah ok.
me:(rubbing the dusters so freaking hard against the board) Mr Ho, how come the ink of your marker is so difficult to erase, huh?
mr ho: so difficult ah? tomorrow i bring the purple one. (he was using the green marker)
15 mins later..
mr ho:(attempting to clean the board) Ya, why so difficult to clean? (attempts to clean some more) Wah, my hand pain. Like doing exercise like that. (point to the back)Eh Eh you, WHY YOU LAUGHING HAHH?
well, it's difficult to describe mr ho here, because he's just whacked. you gotta be in his class to actually laugh your ass off. gah.