Tuesday, July 19, 2005

let's go spinning.

it seems that everytime i take my medication, the giddier i get and my temperature rises and i have no motivation to do anything. and that's bad, considering i have an econs essay test on monopoly and perfect competition tomorrow, both topics i know NUTS about. i try so hard to get the concepts drilled properly into my head, and understanding the graphs and all, but hey, i end up irritated because i am so stupid i cannot understand the blurdy theories. so, in the end, it's me, my athlete cd playing in the background, my econs notes open before me and i'm staring into space, trying not to think about anything but something will just pop up and i end up walking around the room and reside on my bed and head to lala land. so i hope i wake up with a throbbing head in the morning tomorrow, too ill for school and mom says "okay, then stay home for another day, i'll write a letter" although a parent's letter would require me to go to mr tan's office to get it signed before approval and stuff. but no, i'm gonna go and die in the name of econs essay test tomorrow and then awaken for the sake of FSV and racial harmony rehearsals.

everyone is caught up in the harry potter madness. and i'm just too broke to even think about it. i don't care who dies, so people don't ask me who died. go ask mdm tan or sth.

don't ask what's up with mdm tan. i'm in the living room and my sister's watching My Sassy Neighbour. a rather meaningless show, i'd say. low IQ and EQ and all.


dad: hmm, ms giam's a nice person. you're lucky to have a home tutor like her.

me: (obviously too dazed to say anything) mmphjasudhuwe81jsmmphh..? oh. ok.

dad: but one thing's funny.

me: what?

dad: she called me uncle.

and at that point of time my brother and myself burst out laughing in spite of the fact that i was too dazed before. nyehaha.

oh, if you're wondering. i went home early just now. and dad took and an hour and a half to get to school, blaming the traffic. traffic?! right.


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