Thursday, April 13, 2006

20 things (I think) you don't know about me

Since everyone is doing this (well, everyone meaning my sister and her friend Samantha) and I have so much free time (although I should really get my ass to go and pray right now), I'd think I'd feed you guys some things about me that you prolly didn't know (though I don't see why I should be revealing about myself here on the internet where even the people of Reykjavik or Sierra Leone, places of which I have never been to or know anyone from, can access) and will know once you have finished reading this post.

(Right now, I think I blab too much.)

20 things (I think) you don't know about me.

1) I have a smelly pillow. (why, alot of people have smelly pillows only that they don't admit it)

2) I treat my smelly pillow as if it's a real person.

3) I have a minor case of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) that I have diagnosed because I don't like it when people mess with my things and leave them not like it was originally placed, but I don't mind if I mess with my things. Get it?

4) I used to want to be a pop star.

5) I love Barney although most people out there thinks he's one hell of a paedophile.

6) I am shy, despite people telling me that I have a strong exterior.

7) My tum is WHITE.

8) My periods are not regular and I seriously do not want to touch on this one.

9) I like doing the laundry.

10) I can cry on inpulse.

11) Since young, I always fantasized of being knocked down by a vehicle and it almost came true, thrice. I guess it's not my time yet.

12) I have never gotten my tooth plucked by a dentist and I wish one day that I'll get my tooth plucked by a dentist.

13) I want to be sedated.

14) Sometimes, I surf porn. Especially the anime ones.

15) I don't quite like Japanese Anime.

16) I talk to myself. (but everyone talks to themselves, it's called inner conscience)

17) I don't like it that I am Malay.

18) Sometimes I am afraid to go to sleep because I am afraid that I'll wake up blind.

19) I want to die at 35, cos then I won't be too young or too old, and I guess by then my sins and my pahala will be balanced, somehow.

20) I don't quite know what's true about me other apart from the colour of my ear wax (honey yellow).

And since this post is totally on me, let's just post one humble photo of yours truely (the Superior being).

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(wah, so dark and garang)

**Picture taken in my darling cousin Reen's humble abode, of which I miss so much (the cousin and the humble abode) and do hope that one day I can find time (and money) to go out with her because it has been so freaking long.


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